Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Day of Marketing

I spent most of the day going from link to link on blogs. I started on Pinterest when I saw a pin of a list of books to read to your daughter before she reads the Twilight Series.

So, I read all the comments on the blog and then linked to that person's blog. I found myself reading some very interesting posts.

I then invited the author to go to my


for links to Amazon to read my book reviews and buy my books. On several of the sites I asked for them to read and review my books. I heard back from a few saying thank you for the recommendation. Hopefully other people will see the comment I left and then go to check the blog out, too.

If you happen upon a blog that has posted about books please recommend the Saginaw Series or send me an email with a link and I will do it. Thanks so much for helping.

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