Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Big Day

Book One, Saginaw Series: Webber House, is in the mail to the publishers! I thought I had it ready yesterday, but when I went to the post office it was closed for President's Day. So, I kept thinking maybe there was a reason I couldn't send it out.

God gives a multitude of opportunities to us, some we take, some we reject and some we don't even realize we have until it is too late.

I opened the envelope and started reading the manuscript one more time. Sure enough I made about a dozen minor changes. Then I found the box with my Mom's class lists and finally found one with Mr. Roennecke's name so I could triple check that it was spelled correctly!

Jane and her daughter, Sarah and my cousin Mary Lynn helped with the editing. I really appreciate all they did for me. When Mary Lynn was done I felt as if I was back in school relearning all that Sr. Marie Ida taught me about writing.

Anyway, keep me in your prayers.

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