Monday, November 12, 2012

How I Love Spending Time with Pat's Dad

Unfortunately the way I spent time with Pat's Dad was that I was at the hospital all day with him. It does seem like they are narrowing in on his gall bladder as the culprit.

I love how he makes friends with all the hospital staff. His nurses always like him. The people who come in to take blood or complete ultra sounds or echos are always asked their names. When they finish he always uses their name and says thank you and tells them to have a nice day. 

This afternoon Jeff was untangling cords and tubes. It took a long time to straighten out the mess. I listened as Pat and his Dad talked with Jeff. There was instant bonding when they found out he was supposed to clean out the garage last weekend but instead found P.O.M. (Dad's way of saying previously owned material).

Dad said, "Luckily the world is filled with idiots!" He said one time he found a washing machine and it had a sock caught in the tube. He cleaned it out and it worked for a month of Sundays.

He is always so grateful for any small thing you do for him. He just hates being in the hospital and wants to go home. I hope he gets better soon.

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