Sunday, December 30, 2007

Fried Pickles

We went to Ann Arbor yesterday to shop and visit with family. Unfortunately two of the stores we wanted to go to were closed for the holidays. But we did go to the Reuse center and the PTO Thrift shop - an antique store and Salvation Army. I also got to go to Trader Joe's for the first time. I'm glad they don't have one here - it was expensive - but that didn't stop me from buying things I wanted! I got chicken sausages, perogies, fresh mozarella in olive oil that Meijers used to carry and stopped that I love and a wine that made me think of my friend Jan and since we are going to see her on New Years Day I got that. So we had plenty of stores to see even though I didn't get to see my spoons at the Second Chance store in Ypsi and the Scrapbox was closed it was a great day.

Then we stopped to see Pat's niece and her husband. They are going to have twins and we got to see lots of ultra sound pictures and talk about having babies and parenting and how much their lives are going to change. We went out to one of our favorite restaurants in Willis - yes - Willis. It is called the Pickle Barrel Inn. We always order fried pickles - they are so yummy. So we continued our conversation there and had a very nice time.

Lately - several people have told me they read my blog - but - they are hit and runs - they don't leave a message. I was wondering if I was writing this just for the few people whom have left comments - but no - my good friend in Florida, Pat's niece, and a few friends at work have all told me they read it all the time. So hi all you hit and run friends and family.

Today we are having Christmas at Jim and Cindy's - that will be fun. We have a Chinese Auction where you choose a gift - and then the next person can take that gift or choose another one. We always have one thing that everyone wants and that makes it fun.

Sheala and Robbie didn't make the gingerbread house - I'm thinking that maybe we can take it there and they can work on it with Karina and Karalee. I'll have to call Cindy though and make sure there is room in the basement for them to work on it.

I'm looking forward to the holidays to be done - I have to lose some of this weight I've gained before I go to the doctor in February. And since I don't have any will power at all right now - fried pickles and all - I'll have to just STOP the crazy eating and start walking. It will be easier to do without all the holiday stops. We'll see how motivated I can get.


Jane said...

Fried Pickles??? Whose family did you grow up in - not mine? And where do you live? Oklahoma?

I'm glad we weren't the only ones who didn't do the gingerbread house (but yours was cheaper).

Add another hit and run to the list. My friend Lisa (who came to visit mom before she died and gave her a message to give her mom - remember?) told me today that she visits your blog when she visits mine. She can't comment because she can't remember her password (that's why she's my friend!).

I sure wish I was there to celebrate with y'all. Love you!

Mary Andrews said...

I had lunch one day in a little restaurant in Howell with a pickle name and had Pickle Soup. I thought yuk, until they gave us a taste and it was delicious. So if you ever see Pickle Soup on the menu, try it.
Mary Lynn