Police Officer Jim Blondin passed away on Sunday and his memorial service was on Thursday. He had been ill for a year and actually we thought he was going to die last spring. But Jim wasn't ready to die. He didn't want to leave his wife and children and grandchildren. Over the last year I have thought a lot about Jim and Sue. I sent cards every once in awhile - mostly funny ones to make him laugh because he made me laugh every time I saw him. He was so funny and a joy to work with.
I told Sue at the service that she will remember this last year with wonderful memories - the difficult times will melt away, her memories will be of Jim the way he looked before he became ill, she will be so blessed from the love they had this last year. I know this in my heart.
The procession left from the Police Department on the way to the funeral home and drove down Jim and Sue's old street - Court Street - and past Fuzzy's where Jim loved to stop. Jim's sister, Pam, told me that people were out at the curbs to see the procession go by with their hands over their hearts - the people at Fuzzy's were out, too. She said it was so touching and meant so much to their family.
We will miss Jim so much. But I know that Heaven is a much better place with him in it - with the saints and angels laughing every time they talk with Jim.