Well – with the possibility of getting into one more show next weekend, I’ll be back in high speed wrapping mode this weekend. I’ve ordered 200 more knives and this afternoon I’m going to Jo-Ann Fabric – my absolutely favorite store. They have Merry Moolah today so I’m going to buy, buy, buy lots of beads! I want gold and red and green and crystal and more gold…….
Then – I’m staying away from Black Friday – I’ll leave Joanna, my daughter, to the sales. She took a coupon class and the woman is possessed. She saves more than she spends, often getting products for free. I save all my coupons for her and she loves putting them in order and figuring out how she can save money.
Caroline sent me pictures of her grandchildren – Ava after she climbed into the dog cage with their new dog Chachi and Javier holding the dog on the couch. They are adorable pictures. Ava has tried since she started moving around to go after their first dog, Baby, but every time she got close Baby would get up and move to the other side of the house. Chachi lets her get close and she loves it!