Last night we went to the parish picnic - it was very nice. I'm looking forward to the Liturgy tomorrow in the tent at church - they do the whole weekend with Golf and a Euchre tournament. We even went over to help on Thursday to prepare for the Friday evening dinner - we wrapped potatoes for baking. It was nice to be asked to help. When we decided to leave later on after the dinner(the music was very loud) we went to Jim and Jan's to sit on their deck in the quiet of the evening. It was a nice ending to a good day.
Early this morning we found a 70's Dick Cavett show on TMC that had him interviewing Alfred Hitchcock - it was great. We laughed through the whole hour. Then I watched Suspicion - there was a whole day of Hitchcock movies but we were too busy to watch them all - I told Pat we should start renting them and try to watch every one.
Today, Pat went over to help Jim put his air conditioner in and Jan and and I went to estate sales. I found a beautiful pair of tea light candle holders and decided to wrap those up for the the wedding gift we were giving that afternoon. I hate to just give a check and this made the gift special. I am sure I have purchased this same pair for $40 each for a previous wedding gift and I got them for $5.00. What fun. I found several dishes - then Pat and I went back to one that was 1/2 off after 2:00 and I bought quite a few more Christmas dishes. Jan - I looked for the red and blue striped bowl - but it was gone.
Then we went to the wedding picnic. They had one of those destination weddings and not many people could attend - so they had a picnic today in Clio - the yard was fabulous. Enough room for everyone to park, a double huge tent, badminton net, horseshoes, swings, and lots of room leftover. They had Famous Daves cater - so mmm...mmm... ribs. We got to talk to friends we haven't seen in a long while - so we caught up on what our families are doing.
We do live a good life - we enjoy so much time spent with friends. Then Pat and I went for a ride and then came home to watch the Tigers - turned that off and went to bed! But I couldn't sleep - hence the blog.