We have the kiddos for a couple weeks for a visit - that's Sheala and Robbie - We are having fun. Sheala and Robbie and Joanna and Robin lived with us a few years back (see previous post October 30, 2007) - yesterday when Sheala and Robbie were wrestling on the floor I realized how much fun it is to have them here and remembering the good times we had when they lived here.
Pat took them to a Loon's Game with their friend Cameron last night. They had so much fun - Robbie got a ball - that is the second Loon's Game ball that he got. So he went over after the game and got a couple of signatures on it and gave it to Cameron. Then Pat dropped them all off at Cameron's house so Sheala could babysit for the evening. Cameron's Mom went out to celebrate Caroline's birthday with her!
So - I am going to venture out to church this morning. Yesterday I walked around the block and by 9 pm I had to take a pain pill - I think that may have been pushing it because my knee is very stiff this morning. I want to walk a little more each day - we'll see after today if I can keep it up.
SARAH BEARA - this is a special note to YOU. OF COURSE WE CALLED YOUR MOTHER ON HER BIRTHDAY YOU GOOSE - SHE DOESN'T LISTEN TO HER VOICE MAILS!!!!!!!!!!! Uncle Jim and Aunt Cindy came over with a picnic to eat in my bedroom - it was the day after my knee surgery - we called and sang Happy Birthday!!!