Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lima Beans

I told my friend, Heather I would write about Lima Beans tonight.

When I was little and we lived on Hoyt Street we had a big old house with two stairways - I think I've written before about the back stairway. On the landing going up that backstairs we used to have can goods. Now I don't remember having lima beans but I knew I didn't like them. So when I saw a can of lima beans one day on my way up those back stairs I thought I would tear the label off the can and that way we wouldn't have to have them. THAT NIGHT - my Mom saw the can with no label and said we were going to have whatever it was for dinner.

Years later, when we lived on Jefferson we had our canned goods in the basement in a little room. My Mom sent me downstairs to find beans - now it may have been kidney beans but I remember telling my Mom there weren't any beans on the shelf. She came down the stairs, picked up the can of beans and told me one of her little spurts of wisdom:

Mary Ellen, you only see what you want to see in life.

I can't tell you how many times I've noticed that in every aspect of my life. From kids to friends, to work, to family - we do only see what we want to see many times.


Sarah said...

hehe all the stories I hear about Grandma make me sad that I never really got to know this incredible woman...but then one day I was chatting with cousin Kim and we realized that we have incredibly strong women in our family and that Grandma passed down her strength and wisdom to her children and grandchildren...and with that I do know grandma intimatly.
Thanks for your stories Aunt Mary Ellen!

Heather said...

I love your stories:) I can only hope my children will have so many stories to tell about their lives one day! Lord knows, they give me enough stories already!!!