Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Plant Markers

Olympia called to say the Cathedral is putting together a garden basket to be auctioned off at the Bishop's Ball.  She asked for some help with the wrapping of the basket.  I told her I have been seeing beautiful plant markers made with spoons so I would bring some with me.

I had fun following these directions from the Pinterest pin.

I called Betty to find out what kind of seeds she purchased.  Then found pictures on the Internet of seed packets of those seeds.

Dwarf Sunflowers

I printed them out very small then ripped around the edges making them rough.

With some brown paint I aged the little picture.  Then glued them to the spoons.

I sprayed three layers of acrylic spray, waiting for each layer to dry before repeating.

Then went one step more than the pin - I added beads to glisten in the sun!

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