Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Random Internet Thoughts!

We covered canvas stretch frames at church last night. The beginning of Advent prep. I typed in "how to stretch fabric on frames."

Step by step directions with pictures for every step made the job simple to do. If we tried to do it on our own I am sure we would have had wrinkles.

My Mom was the first of any of us on the Internet. She was working on our family tree and wanted to look things up. Mind you, she still couldn't type in the word processing software without hitting enter at the end of each line! She would call me after she edited her work and ask why the line ended in the middle of the screen.

I kept asking her if she knew what she was doing. The Internet was just a scary black hole to the rest of us.

I even remember the first time I ventured into the unknown. It was an exciting time learning how to move around and find information.

Looking forward I hope there are scary unknown adventures awaiting our grandchildren. Discovering something amazing is such a grand experience!

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