Thursday, October 25, 2007


One of the best workshops I attended had me look at one part of my life and figure out how I got there. What amazed me the most was that the decisions I had made years ago, ones that I never even thought were important decisions, were in fact ones that lead to life-changing results.

The example I looked at in the class was how we ended up moving back to my hometown of Saginaw because of my secretarial work using computers. I had to weave my way back in time to my volunteer work experiences with a non-profit organization and my decision to purchase a computer in the early 1980’s. Never did I imagine when I bought that computer how it would change not only my career but also where our family would live when I started working outside of our home. Then looking forward I realized that each decision built on that first one, would impact what schools my children attended, the friends they made and even whom they would meet and marry.

After that workshop I started to look at my decisions more closely. I don’t worry about where each decision will take me but I do carefully think things through before deciding. One of my friends that I used to work with always told me, “What goes around, comes around!” and I have learned that is true in my life. I not only have to consider my life when making decisions but also the lives of others in my family, my neighborhood, at work and in the world.

This decision about looking for a new church is a selfish one – I just want to be a person in the pew for a while – get nourished without commitment. No arts and environment committee, no choir, no teaching children First Eucharist and Confirmation classes. Just soak in the liturgy and the Word of God. I love participating in the liturgy again – this really is a gift from God. Something I thought was gone.

Every once in awhile decisions must be made to regroup and heal. That's where I'm at right now. But, I do know that this decision could change everything in the future. I'm willing to take that chance. ME

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